
如果你路試時不合格,可以在網上預約重考不合格部份。 重考生可選擇以運輸署一般順序或重考生快期來安排重考日期。重考生快期空缺會以電腦抽籤方式分配,合資格的重考生可於星期一至五上午11時至晚上11時59分期間。透過網上預約駕駛考試網頁(www.gov.hk/drivingtest)(下稱「網上系統」),或重考生快期預約服務熱線(2866 8148)(下稱「電話熱線」)系統登記參加下一個工作天舉行的重考生快期抽籤。中籤考生須於中籤當日的指定時段內揀選考期,但不能揀選駕駛考試中心。



中籤快期後,申請人在繳付考試費用期限日或之前於辦公時間內親身或由代辦人連同指定格式的授權信,帶同申請人的預約重考生快期確認信(列印本)、身份證明文件及已填妥的駕駛考試申請表(TD82表格)到指定的牌照事務處或以有效的個人電子證書登入香港政府一站通網上預約駕駛考試網頁繳付費用,以確定考期。如未能及時繳款,重考生快期預約將被取消,兩次中籤快期未選擇考期,該申請人於隨後的 30 個曆日內將不能申請任何車輛類別的重考生快期。



If you failed your road test, you can reserve a repeater early test via online booking services specifically for the section(s) at which you failed. Repeaters have the option to undertake the standard procedure or fast-track procedure in accordance with Hong Kong's official transport department to reschedule for a repeater test. Repeaters are eligible to apply and schedule for a repeater early test as early as 7 days to 30 days from the date of your previous road test.

The repeater early test slots will be updated every day at 7:30 a.m. Vacant test slots in the period from the following 7th to 30th working day from the application date will be available for application on a first-come-first-served basis. The number of vacant test slots available for application depends on the number of candidates who have applied for postponement and temporary cancellation of tests. If there is no suitable vacant repeater early test slot, candidate may consider applying for end-of-list test slot. Repeater early test appointments are not transferrable

Upon successful reservation of a repeater early test appointment, if you would like to pay and confirm the repeater early test appointment at licensing office, please print and bring along in person or by agent (with duly completed and signed authorization letter in specified format at the bottom of the reservation letter and the original of the identity document of the agent) a copy of the reservation letter together with your identity document, the duly completed driving test application form (TD82 for non-commercial vehicles) and its required documents, including original or photocopy of present address proof (residential address and correspondence address) issued within the last 3 months (e.g. water/electricity/gas/mobile phone bill or back correspondence) to pay the test form fee and confirm the test appointment at the specified licensing office during office hours (9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, except public holidays) on or before the payment due date.

If you fail to pay the test form fee and confirm your repeater early test appointment on or before the payment due date, your reservation will be cancelled and you will not be allowed to apply for repeater early test appointments for any vehicle classes within the following 30 calendar days.

Apply Via Driving King

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